Career, In The News

Skate[Slate] President Interview with Thane Mag

Gbemi is still putting out some the best interviews with his blogs All Around Skate and Thane Magazine. I’m not just saying that because I have had a few interviews with him now, but because he consistently and without thanks is creating content focused on simply just being stoked on skating.

Check the link for the full interview.

In The News, Trips

Pinche Interview with Thane Mag

Gbemi has been blogging about the longboard world for a few years now with All Around Skate and Thane Magazine. He has a unique style of Google Doc interviewing with an interesting and disarming feel and pace. A few months back (or so it feels?), Gbemi got in touch about my involvement in Rayne and Vicious, this time he wanted to hear about the Rayne All the Pinche Way Tour.

Check the link for the full interview.

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